Kristina Bangma
Kits Energy

Goal: $500

Welcome to my Triple Crown for Heart fundraising page!

On July 20th, I will be returning to Cypress Mountain to tackle the climb by bike in the annual Triple Crown for Heart charity ride. This will be my 4th time back to Cypress (and not on my electric bike) since the day I went unconscious on this climb and discovered I had a genetic heart disease (ARVC). Living with a progressive heart disease is a daily reminder for me that life is precious. I not only want to make the most of my time on this earth, but I also want to help others live their best lives. 

The money raised from this event goes to both the BC Children's Hospital Heart Unit and the Children's Heart Network to send kids to Camp Zajac. No, it won't help cure their disease but it will help make their time in the hospital, and living with the disease, a bit more tolerable.

I would be so grateful for your sponsorship. If you want to join me on the climb, I will be riding up ONLY one mountain (Cypress), starting my climb at 11am so I can join in the celebration at the top. Hopefully, I will see you there!

Donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable donation tax receipt at the end of the year. 

Thanks for your consideration of support for this most worthy cause!

Kristina Bangma

author of Athlete at Heart, Learning to Live with Heart Disease and Find Joy Again

Recent Donations

  • Danielle van Jaarsveld - $50.00 - Good luck!
  • Kirsten Grabowska - $200.00 - Thank you Kristina for raising for this very important cause. You are such an inspiration
  • John Schwenk - $100.00 - If it were not for a wedding on the Island, I would be there with you!
  • Allan and Ann-Marie - $150.00 - Go Kristina!
  • Portia Purcell - $100.00 - Amazing work you are doing Kristina!! One day I will be in town to ride it!!
  • Sarah Menard - $100.00 - A great cause, good luck!
  • Jack and Sandy Grushcow - $11,303.70
  • Alan and Flo Walford - $50.00 - I'll be on course volunteering so will hopefully see you ride!
  • Mark Fogg - $50.00 - Sorry I can’t join you as I will be away
  • Geoff Davenport - $50.00 - I can't ride it this year ... but have an amazing event! You are such an inspiration!
  • Bella ❤️ - $50.00 - They way in which your heart supports and loves others is inspirational
  • Marie Campbell - $25.00 - Thanks for all your support Kristina!! You’re excellent! Enjoy the ride ♥️
  • Teresa Kelley - $25.00
  • Anonymous - $75.00 - Every year that you are able to still do this climb is a celebration in itself! Truly inspirational.