Kristina Bangma

Goal: $1,000

Welcome to my Triple Crown for Heart fundraising page!

On July 20th I will be returning to Cypress Mountain to tackle the climb by bike in the Triple Crown for Heart. This will be my fifth time back up Cypress (and not on my electric bike) since the day I went unconscious on this climb and discovered I had a genetic heart disease, called ARVC. 

When I was first diagnosed, I thought I would never ride again and sold all of my 3 bikes. But thanks to the medical team at BCIAP, new research, and a lot of hard work, I still ride for pleasure and continue to coach on my electric bike. As long as I am able, I will continue to support this ride by climbing Cypress every year. 

All funds raised will be donated to both the BC Children's Hospital Heart Unit, to help children and their families while in treatment and the Children's Heart Network to send kids to Camp Zajac.

I would be grateful for your sponsorship and pledge of faith that I can do this!

If you want to take it one step further, I encourage you to join me by riding up Cypress with me! If you are unsure if you can tackle this climb, please check out my free training programs at

Donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable donation tax receipt at the end of the year.

Thanks for your consideration of support for this most worthy cause!

Coach Kristina

Recent Donations

  • Doug and Jill - $50.00
  • Alberto Chernikoff - $200.00 - What a great cause
  • Jane Davis - $50.00
  • Tom Shiffman - $125.00 - On behalf of Jack G
  • Sandra Grushcow - $100.00 - Great job inspiring all your riders.
  • Danielle van Jaarsveld - $50.00 - WAY TO GO KRISTINA!!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • JC - $50.00
  • Steve and Kara - $1,000.00 - Go Kristina
  • Anonymous - $40.00
  • Geoff Davenport - $50.00
  • Tina Robinson - $25.00 - Yeaahhhh, Kristina!!!!
  • Anonymous - $50.00
  • Tracey & Les - $50.00
  • Ali Zentner - $100.00 - You are such a super hero
  • Anonymous - $100.00 - Go Kristina!
  • Eileen - $100.00 - Go Kristina Go!
  • Ann- Marie and Allan Copping - $50.00
  • Flo - $100.00 - Go Kristina!
  • Desirae McGee - $100.00
  • Teresa K - $25.00
  • Lisa yeates - $25.00 - Keep living your best life and raising awareness!!
  • Stephanie Belding - $35.00 - So late in finding out about this and where you are at- sending much love and support- you really are phenomenal. ❤️
  • Irene - $50.00
  • Sarah Fenwick - $50.00 - Happy to support!!
  • Ken MacLean - $50.00
  • Janet MacLean - $50.00 - You are such an inspiration!
  • Anonymous - $50.00 - Ride for all of the people that are not able